my response: I'm responding to your listing at for full-time copy editors and would like to throw my hat in the ring. I have an extensive, albeit spotty, background in both print and online media; copy editing, proofreading, and fact-checking. By spotty I mean that I've not have the requisite five years news/copy editing experience on a large-circulation daily. However, I'm an avid reader and newshound, have worked under cyclical deadline pressure at periodicals and for networks, and am very fast, accurate, thorough, and engaged.
I'm also good with the snappy headlines. I can make prose tight, flowing, and comprehensible without sacrificing author style or essential content. And I can differentiate essential from filler. Plus, I'm a delight to have around. All this plus flexibility and a short ride on the F-train, and you can put me through rigorous tryouts for sheer sadistic pleasure.
her response: Dear Ms. X,
You may well be a "delight to have around," and I may have sadistic tendencies, but is no reason to torture you with our tryout process at this point. Your resume shows no experience in editing at a daily newspaper, and that's what we're looking for here.
Thanks for your interest in The Times.